Medallia LivingLens

Work with video feedback at scale

Capture, analyze and share consumer insight video in a single platform and get faster, richer feedback. Automatically extract meaningful insights, so you can tell powerful stories that inspire better decision-making.

  • Increase the depth of feedback and research by tapping into video as the richest data asset to gather compelling qualitative insights

  • Uncover meaningful insights of why people do what they do through the spoken word, sentiment and facial emotional analysis, or object recognition

  • Easily find and share content with employees and executives to enable customer and consumer empathy - and drive action

See Medallia LivingLens in action. Request a demo now!

Request a Demo

Get started in 3 easy steps:

  • Discovery Session: Whether you're new to video or have years of experience, let's talk so we can learn what’s important for you in a partnership

  • Personalized Demo: You'll get a tour of the LivingLens platform, focused on your use cases and the elements we know matter to you the most

  • Activation: Engagement sessions, training, case study support. We'll get you going and support you every step of the way


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