Connecting the Customer Experience

Expand Your Thinking Around CX Strategy

These days, whether or not your business succeeds will largely depend on how much attention you give customer experience. CX is the new playing field and company differentiator. It's also more expansive in scope than some might realize. Sure, customer experience comes into play as customers interact with your employees. But beyond that, CX surrounds every step the customer makes with your brand. And customers take a lot of steps.

As Michelle Brigman, Medallia's Senior Director of Strategic Alliances, states "It's not trite to say that CX is everything. There's a tendency to focus CX efforts just on obtaining customers, when what businesses should really be doing is thinking holistically about the entire customer journey and addressing challenges before they arise."


Every business needs to think of CX Strategy as part of the larger business strategy. Read this ebook to see how to:

  • Expand How You Measure
  • Expand Who You Invite To the Table
  • Expand How You Define Success

The days of "one size fits all" are numbered — if not already over. No single strategy will cover all customers, and no single CX strategy will make even a single customer happy.

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