Customer Meetup

Healthcare Customer Meetup: Behavioral Health Patients

Wednesday, July 21, 2021
11am PDT / 2pm EDT (90 minutes)

Join Medallia's Customer MeetUp to participate in an interactive, 90-minute discussion intended to surface dialogue around the difficulties and opportunities in listening and activating feedback from Behavioral Health patients.

As a part of this session, attendees will learn from each other by identifying and sharing best practices, challenges, and learnings around accommodating to this population’s unique needs. Medallia experts will be in attendance to share their experiences and facilitate the conversation.

Request to join the Customer MeetUp

Medallia will facilitate a conversation with attendees around the following topics:

  • Unique listening challenges in the behavioral health space

  • Navigating the Closed Loop process with behavioral health patients

  • Measuring performance and driving action

This is an exclusive, invitation-only discussion between peers and Medallia experts. Please request to join this virtual event and a calendar invite will be sent to you to confirm your seat.



Alexandra Archer
Director, Professional Services Healthcare


Tami Salmi
Principal, CX Advisor


Where are we meeting?

As we are all practicing social distancing, this event will be virtual. Medallia will provide a Zoom link so all attendees can attend via video capabilities and will be able to see and hear other attendees during the session.

Who is attending?

This event is exclusive for Medallia customers. Only Medallia staff and customers will be in attendance. We want this to be an open dialogue where attendees can learn and share with each other.

Will the session be recorded?

No, the session will not be recorded because we want attendees to feel free to share their viewpoints and opinions freely. We will take notes in order to capture points shared during the discussion and provide a summary recap of the discussion to all attendees post session.
